Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Reducing Car Accident Risks For Young Drivers | Car Accident Attorney College Park

The potential for car accident injury is an inherent risk in driving.  So minimizing that potential is important. Young drivers are at an increased risk for accidents. Properly preparing, training and monitoring your young driver can make all the difference. Here are a few things you can do to that may help reduce the driving risks your young driver faces:

MONITOR THEM: It may seem invasive, but remember that driving is a privilege, and your young driver needs to view it that way. There are  now many ways to monitor speed, location and distractions. Your new driver will likely be much more responsible if they know you are watching.

BE A POSITIVE EXAMPLE: You can’t tell your young driver not to text, eat and speed while driving if you do those things in front of them. Your example sets the stage for them. The best way to encourage them to be a safe driver is by being one yourself.

SET CONSEQUENCES FOR BREAKING THE RULES: If your new driver breaks any of the rules you set, have firm consequences. Do not tolerate unsafe driving, intoxicated driving, or sneaking and driving without permission. Stick to whatever punishment you set so they understand that their violation of the rules is serious.

Still, even when we do our best to protect our young drivers they can still end up in a car accident. It is important that you protect their rights if they are injured in car accident. We are experienced College Park car accident attorneys and work hard to ensure that your young driver is fully compensated for all monetary loss as well as pain & suffering. Call us for a free consultation.

Contact The Foster Firm for a Complimentary Consultation
404-559-8325 or Visit us online at  www.TheFosterFirmWins.com